These plastic dry-cleaning bags are only a courtesy that dry-cleaners use to keep your clothes safe during transit. They can actually trap moisture, which can lead to mold and bacteria growth. Also, the chemical used to treat the clothes, usually perchloroethylene (PERC), has been linked to cancer and other health problems. Leaving the bags on can bring this chemical into your home. Also, natural fibers like cotton, silk, and linen need to breathe.
Here are some options to keep you happy and healthy.
-Try to dry-clean less. Cashmere loves water! Just don't put it in the dryer!! Lay it flat to dry.
-Remove the plastic bag and hang any dry-cleaned clothes outside or in a garage to air out before wearing or hanging in your closet.
-Recycle the bags and return the hangers to the dry cleaner.
-Check out eco dry-cleaners.
-Try to get your dry-cleaner to reuse a cloth bag that you provide if they don't already.